Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Youth Action Nepal (YOAC)

My two months of training are now over, and work has begun. I am working in an NGO called Youth Action Nepal which is a youth-led youth-focused organisation seeking to empower young people and make them aware of their rights. It was established by 9 university students in 2003 intending to address urgent social and human rights issues and now has a total of 22 staff working in 5 districts of Nepal. There are 17 staff based in Kathmandu, all of whom are between 20-30yrs old. Project Areas include:

1. Youth and Politics

2. Peace, Justice and Development

3. Human Rights and democracy

4. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

5.HIV and AIDS

6. Migration and Rights of Migrant Workers

7. Gender and Inclusion

8. Hunger

They lobby the Government, run campaigns, events and awareness programmes, training and workshops. With a recent and dramatic change in government, a new constitution is currently being drafted. YOAC are advocating on behalf of young people for the government to implement a National Youth Policy recognising the rights and value of young people in Nepals changing society. Visit www.youthaction.org.np for more information.

They are such an incredible group of passionate people, I am so impressed with the work they are doing . Listening to them talk, they are so fired up and full of new ideas for moving society forward, I wonder whether I will be able to live up to their expectations of me. Heres what they would like me to work on:

Ÿ Fundraising

Ÿ Proposal writing

Ÿ Editing/proof readings reports and newsletters

Ÿ Writing press releases

Ÿ Project management

Ÿ Teaching English: As there are power cuts for nearly the whole day, YOAC are trying to usethe hours without electricity productively, and this is one way! I am starting to really appreciate the struggles people are facing, and how organizations and industry are suffering with the power shortage.

Ÿ Researching National Youth Volunteering: This is the main reason VSO placed me in Nepal. They would like me to research and write a report on the potential for national youth volunteering here. I will be interviewing current volunteers and heads of youth organizations across the country to see whether/how VSO can support them in expanding their work. VSON believe it is time for change in Nepal, and youth are the people to make it happen.

So as you can see…HIGH expectations!

Starting a new job is always a little nerve wracking, but in a new country in the midst of social change and with a different language, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed to say the least!! Wish me luck!

The above anxieties are probably compounded by the fact that I am still living out of my suitcase, as YOAC has had no luck finding me a house. The area they are searching in is near the office, good in some ways but bad in others. If close to work it will at least reduce the risk of getting run over on the walk in (!), yet may mean not getting time off and being unable to access other volunteers. I really shouldn’t begrudge staying in the guest house for a while longer though because at least here I have power, hot water and internet access, whereas in my home I will have none of these, and will be back to being at home by 8pm! In fact, I fear I will be a little lonely when I leave, though will just have to find other things to keep me occupied - writing poems, short stories, cooking by candlelight perhaps?! Oh how romantic that sounds, but will wear thin pretty quickly I imagine.

Ah dear, writing this is really making me miss home. Some days I feel strong and glad Im here, other days I wonder what on earth Im doing!!

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